Our latest sketch

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Vote for the next sketch

Okay, so I'm finding it a bit difficult to get started on making new video sketches. Which would you like me to focus on first:

1) A sketch abut birdwatching?
2) A sketch set in the gallery of the Doctor Who TV studio in 1963?
3) A sketch about supermarket checkouts?
4) Re-open nominations.

Comments here please, or on the Facebook page or on Twitter @missinghen

Monday, May 9, 2011

Our new podcast - An Ear on the Wall

Tonight sees the start of our new podcast, An Ear on the Wall.

In this episode, we join Phil and Nigel as community radio station Excalibur FM profiles the people of Hunter's House Hotel in Effam. From the manager to the chef, you're assured of a warm welcome. Just make sure it doesn't get too warm...

You can listen to the podcast through the player below, or visit our podcast hosts to download or subscribe.